Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Avril Lavigne for the audience "did not believe me, I would imagine topless"

Denied the young Canadian pop star Avril Lavigne has been thought to be topless, "Tobuls," and said that the magazine "Blinder" published a picture of her on the cover appears to be topless, has rigged this way.
Lavin-known artists on the attack as "Britney Spears", because they revealed about the way their bodies think it is degrading the image of the bare raised a stir in media circles.
In turn, made clear in an interview with MTV in the story, saying: "I was not topless Tube top you wear and the magazine put it a line of ink to suggest that I did not wear something that covers Aourti. And the disposal of the magazine considered opportunistic.

On the other hand, was able to Lavin of the happiness of a girl named Ashley McDonald in the seventh years of age, hails from a small town in America, suffering from an acute illness threatens her life at any moment, through the Make-A-Wish foundation granted the opportunity to write a list of wishes that wish to verify it before deteriorating health.

During the last week has been one wishes to achieve, which included a shop in the stores of choice, "Wal-Mart", but this was not everything, as it moved to the Mall car Limousine, and was accompanied by a number of police officers escorting convoys and VIPs.
The surprise was more important to get McDonald's on a set of CDs and books to donate to a special, signed by the Ndjemtha Favorites Avril Lavigne.
McDonald, could not but joy Fahadip Lavin made the day of the happiest days of her life passed.

On the other hand, was seen Lavin in Stockholm last Friday to sign Alooturavat fans, and count the good work.

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