Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It is consistent with topless woman in one of the chaos of the streets of the capital

Raised a female resident of a chaotic streets of the capital yesterday, after the confusion caused by traffic and raising of the sexual instincts are passing when in line at the side of the road, a topless ..

Initial details indicate that the Arab woman sex out of a women's hairdressing salons, street fairs, a reality topless after making the inscriptions on the chest Balhina and in an attempt to maintain that the inscriptions set and ignored the customs and traditions did not cover the chest ..

Eyewitnesses reported that the woman was a consistent pleasure of being around the applause and whistling was in high by two bays of the young, who have stopped their cars, which were invited to continue in the non-ethical behavior and demonstrate that they wait for a taxi to prolong the time and enjoy what is,

On the other hand, condemned the citizens who witnessed some of the unethical behavior of those that appear from time to time and the other in different regions of the Kingdom, calling on the authorities to intensify control over the premises as well as vital to intensify the presence of community policing to curb such behavior and irresponsible actions.

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