Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lindsay Lohan topless

Dubai-United Arab Emirates: American artist has made the controversial Lindsay Lohan is ready to participate in the program appear topless, but it stipulated that the money supply would be "attractive" to her.

The Wuhan, aged 22 years, the production team had met with the Peepshow, at the Planet Hollywood Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada United States, to speak in the details of the program, which is expected to be showing the naked dancers in a cabaret in Las Vegas.

A statement issued by Fox News, that the main actors in the program do not require full nudity.

The statement added that if Lohan was chosen for the role, it would be the actress Kelly Monaco, represented by Melanie Brown, a former member of the Spice Girls British task force.

The remarks came after the actress split from her friend Samantha Rohnson, in less than a month after dropping the charge of the actress and singer because of driving under the influence of alcohol.
The Lohan had been suspended in May 2007 due to driving under the influence of alcohol after her car lost control on the type of "Mercedes Benz" and then forced her to go to a rehabilitation center for the cessation of alcohol.

After less than two weeks, the Santa Monica police received a call from a woman who said that Lohan is trying to run her over in the street, the fact that the arrest of actress and singer in America in July of that year, also accused of possession of cocaine abuse.

And approved by the Wuhan guilt before the court which sentenced her Pfdhae period of three years probation, and spent less than two hours behind bars, then back to the exercise of ordinary life.

Is noteworthy that Lohan has been represented in the tenth-year-old has appeared in many films since then, including "The Burnett dust" and "Min, Girl" and "Georgia Rolls" with Jane Fonda in 2007, as previously recording album 2005

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